Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

Transition (Principles of Design)

As we have learned with the rest of the principles of design, these last ones are incorporated into a room for it to become appealing to the eye and guide people's attention to the strongest elements while misguiding guests' main focus from those not-so-exciting features in an interior. Transition is one of those principles that is literally designed to specify directions in eye movement and mood in a room depending on the position that was designated to demonstrate the transitional feature. In other words, constancy in line and form will end by providing you that transition in any space, and after understanding what type of emphasis we would like to focus our transitions on, we would then be ready to start exploring the different ways to incorporate this in our desired area.

Transition in interior design can be considered another style of rhythm, which is usually achieved by built-in furniture presented through the continuity of lines and other types of movement. With that said, elements like pattern and form can also become part of this principle, while keeping both of these constant throughout a single room in a residence.

On the other hand, another way to reach this sense of transition is throughout pattern, keeping in mind that the motif we choose does not necessarily have to be guiding our eye movement towards the same direction, as long as the repetitional composition of these together can maintain a constant mood and orientation, either in the increase or decrease of elevation. 

Talking more specifically about the fashion that this branch of rhythm has evolved into throughout the years, the Transitional Style is now an extremely popular "theme" in interior design, adding a more modern feel to any traditional and conventionally decorated home for an everyday life. This style is both, formal and extremely convenient for families seeking for a more contemporary change that will not dramatically affect the daily routine in their house. It consists of simplicity, elegance and beautiful muted (or subtle) color schemes of beiges and tans. 

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