Senin, 21 Desember 2015

Alternation in Interior Design (Principles of Design)

Another branch of rhythm in interior design is alternation, which refers to the action of shifting a specific mood in a room or exterior space in order to transform the area into a more unique design and concept. Altering a specific wall in an interior may consist of incorporating built-in furniture into the wall, accommodating frames on a non-traditional manner, and even by creating a paint pattern with diagonal lines and irregular shapes. In other words, it doesn’t really matter if you’re striving for a more traditional or modern space, there are ways for alternations to have the perfect final touch in your interior within each style and theme.

Alternations are achieved through the consistency of patterns composed of regular shapes and the addition of modifications to this last pattern with more irregular shapes and forms. Some of the patterns that are commonly utilized to accomplish this are either ABCABC or ABBABB, while keeping in mind that although the main purpose of alternation is to re-create a mood in a room by throwing in other adaptations, we still need to follow one of the two orders or combine them to create our own.

Just like repetition and the rest of the principles that form rhythm within an interior, alternation helps to create movement in a space through very distinct ways. Since we usually utilize very symmetrical and/or regular patterns to start off our design concept, this last principle is commonly admired through elements that are organized erratically and unexpectedly. They serve as great focal points and emphasis in an area. However, as we learned with unity, we cannot forget about that sense of belonging represented through each well-designed space, since every single principle and element in design should all be guided towards the same objective, which is to create a balanced and harmonious interior.

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